- Pretzel Sticks
- Almond Bark
- Mini Chocolate Chips
- Gummy Life Savers
- Gum Drops
- Fruit Roll-Up
- Orange Frosting and Black Frosting in a tube
- Heat Almond Bark either in a double boiler, stirring constantly or in a microwave (heat for 30 second and then stir, heat another 30 seconds and then stir, keep reheating 30 seconds at a time until melted.
- Next take the pretzel stick and dip 3/4 of the stick.
- I then placed the sticks on parchment paper and add the mini chips for eyes and buttons.
- Place the Gummy Life Savers over the top of the pretzel for the brim of the snowman's hat.
- Next add the gum drop, first dip the bottom in almond bark to act like glue. A small amount is all you need.
- Cut Fruit Roll-Up to the length you wish for your scarf. I cut about 3 inches. Once your length is cut, you will need to cut the Fruit Roll-Up in half making two 3 inch scarves. Again, add a little almond bark as glue to place the scarf on the snowman and a little in the front to over lap the scarf.
- Finally take the Orange frosting to add a nose and the black frosting for his mouth.
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